Thursday, September 13, 2012


When Roger Clemens recently dodged the perjury trial bullet professional sports purists were provided with a premise for some righteous howling and gnashing of teeth. It has become increasingly apparent that rich iconic sports stars are virtually armor plated against such prosecutions. Are these essentially "show trials" which are conducted and publicized so that "the people" might believe that dishonesty and banned practices in pro sports are punishable criminal acts and are deserving of reform. It's the age old "throw them a bone" routine to pacify their indignation.

In American politics campaign finance reform advocates diligently publicize illegal abuses of how contributions are made to candidates by special interest groups. The intent is to raise the public's consciousness on the cesspool of national politics that was once known as the congress of the USA. A lot of reformist bone throwing goes on there as well.

In the waning months of the year 2012, a national election year, perhaps sports fans and voters alike will become increasingly aware of just how and where corrective action can be applied to remedy some blatant and nearly institutionalized criminal behavior by prominent individuals in highly visible "arenas".

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Singing The Body Politic

The lab reports are back...and it's not good news! 
By Harleigh Axeford

The federal governmental system of the United States of America has been co-opted in its ability to function in the best interests of a democratic republic as described according to the generally basic principles put forward by the nation's founders and their immediate successors in the texts of the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights and the Constitution. It is increasingly apparent to an expanding percentage of America's populace that it has been the protracted post-WWII ascension of powerful American corporate enterprises and their ability to purchase the cooperative support of enough Congresspersons in the House of Representatives and the Senate who are strategically positioned to advance the agendas of their generous corporate benefactors. Legally permitted campaign finance contributions and some unsavory variations of the template provided by the late 1950's Rock n' Roll phenomenon known as "Payola" have quite frankly put the national legislature in the service of special interest groups for a price.