Wednesday, August 17, 2011

CFR When? NOW!

Campaign Finance Reform For The Masses

We find ourselves in the run-up to yet another season of presidential election theater. Listen carefully to all of the campaign rhetoric and you will notice that there is not a single word from any viable candidate about Campaign Finance Reform (CFR.) 

Everybody has their own hot-button issue. People sincerely express their staunch support, or opposition, to just about everything imaginable under the sun but some issues are most prominent.

One of the most obvious issues is abortion. Some folks ardently want abortions on demand, others seek the death sentence for doctors who perform abortions. Immigration, some folks want our borders to remain porous, others want to build fences.

Campaign Finance Reform Now (CFR) is not here to weigh in on any of these issues, or any other issues. Our only issue is Campaign Finance Reform (CFR). Why?

Given our current political climate, focusing on any issue other than Campaign Finance Reform (CFR) is an exercise in absolute futility. 

Movement on any issue that conflicts with the agenda of the major global corporations, their lobbyists, and their wholly owned subsidiary The United States Congress, cannot possibly yield meaningful results. The globalists (present company excluded, Thank you for the soapbox Google) have a lock on the agenda.

Future Campaign Finance Reform Now (CFR) posts will illustrate the nefarious schemes these power brokers used to grab the reins of our democracy and how we can break their stranglehold.

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